Focus on your needs at each stage


> Telephone reservation

> door-to-door service

> Free on-site investigation

> door-to-door measurement

> Plane layout

> Preliminary scheme confirmation

> Design (Signing Design Agreement)

> Design scheme

> budget preparation

> Preliminary material selection

> Sign the project contract

> Designer's Whole Service

Communication Signature

Project Contact, Understanding Intention, Material Analysis, Project Evaluation, Idea Communication and Cooperation Establishment

Deepening stage

Optimum Design, Effect Drawing, Construction Drawing, Material Model, Optimum Proposal, Determining Scheme, Cost Receipt

Construction Stage

Construction preparation, project management, drawing analysis, construction scheme, technical disclosure, safety disclosure and data management

Software service

Soft packing scheme, scheme determination, product list, fee collection, product purchasing on behalf, on-site display

Follow-up services

Completion acceptance, data filing, establishment of after-sales, regular return visits, and improvement of after-sales